Saving Smiles, Inc. 501(3)(c) non-profit. Tax ID: 81-5228512. In order for us to continue fighting for several causes and helping better people's lives we need donations.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Our Non-Profit tax ID: 81-5228512
In order for us to continue fighting for several causes and helping better people's lives we need donations.
To donate, write us a check to Saving Smiles and send it to the following address:
22623 44th Dr SE Bothell, WA 98021
Also make sure to tell us what cause you would like to donate to or if the donations are to Saving Smiles in general for future causes.
Currently, Sahithi Yakkali has been selling her artwork at (link below). If you would like to donate by buying her artwork or donating some of your own artwork to sell and raise money for Saving Smiles please email us.
Link to her artwork:
For our Clean Water Project, we have a GoFundMe for you to donate for the specific cause so please donate here if you would like to give money to that particular cause!
Think big as your precious help will make the world a happier place.
We thank you for your donations!!!